
Acupuncture is known to have various effects such as analgesic action, anti-inflammatory action, endocrine control action, autonomic nervous system control action, and immune function strengthening action. The mechanism that can produce these various effects is not fully elucidated but strong hypotheses include the theory of gate control, the theory of visceral body surface reflex, and anti-inflammatory action through secretion of immune substance. The main view of the gateway control is that needle stimulation intervenes in the process of transmitting pain by nerve cells, thereby providing pain relief. That is why acupuncture is very effective for pain management. The visceral body surface reflex theory states that the autonomic nervous system regulates the secretion and movement of the intestine by stimulating the autonomic nervous system of the body surface. Anti-inflammatory action through immune substances is the theory that immune substances are secreted through needle stimulation to suppress inflammation and reduce pain. Since acupuncture uses the body’s natural healing power, a combination of treatment and rest are sometimes more effective in terms of therapeutic effect.